1st Sandleheath Sea Scout Group

Photographs of Scout Summer Camp 2002

August 2002
Thumbnail of P7250002.JPG Thumbnail of P7250003.JPG Thumbnail of P7250004.JPG Thumbnail of P7250005.JPG Thumbnail of P7250006.JPG Thumbnail of P7250007.JPG Thumbnail of P7260008.JPG Thumbnail of P7260009.JPG Thumbnail of P7260010.JPG Thumbnail of P7260011.JPG Thumbnail of P7260012.JPG Thumbnail of P7260013.JPG Thumbnail of P7260014.JPG Thumbnail of P7260015.JPG Thumbnail of P7270001.JPG Thumbnail of P7270002.JPG Thumbnail of P7270003.JPG Thumbnail of P7270004.JPG Thumbnail of P7270005.JPG Thumbnail of P7270006.JPG Thumbnail of P7270007.JPG Thumbnail of P7270008.JPG Thumbnail of P7270009.JPG Thumbnail of P7270016.JPG Thumbnail of P7270017.JPG Thumbnail of P7270018.JPG Thumbnail of P7270019.JPG Thumbnail of P7270020.JPG Thumbnail of P7280011.JPG Thumbnail of P7290012.JPG Thumbnail of P7290013.JPG Thumbnail of P7290014.JPG Thumbnail of P7290015.JPG Thumbnail of P7290016.JPG Thumbnail of P8010019.JPG Thumbnail of P8010020.JPG

Click on any photo to view the full size original

Higher resolution copies of the photographs (if you have lots of bandwidth, lots of patience or want a higher quality printout) can be found at

© Copyright 2002, Stephen R. White - email:[email protected]